
Wyrdly-speaking glossary

Adrien Fernandez
Co-Founder Wyrd
Novembre 2024

Flourishing — the top KPI in positive psychology.

It stands for what really, really counts: contribution, impact, performance, wellbeing, fulfillment, and all of that positive stuff. In short, it is the state in which people flourish.

How does flourishing occur? This can easily be broken down into four areas: The content of work — what we do. The purpose — why we do it. The relationships — with whom we do it. And the context factors — under which framework we do it.

How do you achieve flourishing? Where you spend your life in a Buddhist monastery.

Is it easier too? Yes — find your way around! This is where values and strengths come into play. They show you what is really important to you and how you can design your work not only to function, but — to flourish.

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